I chose this contents page from the R&B magazine 'Vibe'. Vibe magazine contains the latest R&B music, news, exclusive interviews and photos. The contents page differs from other music magazines as its really simple- one large photo for effect which intends to be quite sexual. The photo is a long shot which shows readers the women's bodies and less clothing- this can be interpreted as R&B music being very different to other music genres. The page also lacks colour which could be done purposely so the women stand out as bursts of colour. The pose is also striking and readers see an exterior of confident women which is very stereotypical for an R&B magazine. Males can admire this photo and the magazine can attract a number of readers this way, however female readers can be envious of their perfect bodies. Again this shows R&B music is more about body image and apperance. I think Vibe magazines target audience is aimed at males and females from 16-28 years; a wide range of audience. The layout is also simple and clear. The font is basic and black but creates a sophisticated effect, whilst the subheadings are more fancy and feminine in italic. In addition the background is kept plain and simple in order to compliment the font and colour scheme. The page contains minimal information, just enough so readers know what the different pages contain. The heading 'Contents' is different to other music magazines which could act as a symbol of difference to other music genres.
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